Place a new point of sale at the most promising location

Where to get the best return on investment?

You want to open a new point of sale, but cannot decide between three possible locations. In this case, SIRIUS Insight can help you to quantify indicators that will allow you to make an informed decision.

In this geomarketing study, SIRIUS Insight analyses the potential catchment area of each location and verifies the following elements in particular:

  • The number of people living in those areas and their drivetime to the chosen location.
  • The population profile and whether it corresponds to your target public, with the aid of Mosaic Belgium.
  • The income level of the population in the relevant locations.
  • The accessible market potential.
  • etc.

This approach makes it possible to highlight in a simple manner the characteristics of the different locations chosen. This approach can be generalised by using an analytical model that includes these parameters for the whole of your point of sale network, allowing you to develop a long-term vision and development strategy.

How to read these illustrations?

The first maps represent the catchment areas for a drivetime of 5 to 10 minutes around a preselected location. The histogram shows the volume of each Mosaic Belgium type within these areas.

Finally, the data are supplemented with information about the population, incomes and the accessible potential for the primary and secondary catchment areas of the three towns.

Thus, the illustrations allow us to see that the population is larger in Namur, but that the highest incomes are found in Hasselt. However, in the primary catchment area, the accessible market potential is almost identical for these two towns.

Three good reasons for carrying out a location study before opening a point of sale:

  1. Decide calmly and objectively on the best location for a point of sale.
  2. Choose the most profitable location for your brand.
  3. Place the point of sale at the location with the highest potential and thus increase your turnover.